Weekly Staff Application

Personal Information

Reference Information

Please provide a character reference. It is highly prefered if you provide reference information for your current Pastor, Youth Pastor, or discipleship mentor.


Please select ALL of the options for which you are available to help, and those that your schedule will allow.
Please refer to our calendar if you need to verify dates for each event.

You must be a minimum of 2 years older than the campers that you are volunteering to help.

Experience & Interests

Job Description

Please read this job description carefully. If you agree with each item, please sign below.

Employment offers will be contingent on passing a company authorized background check performed by Camp Bethany. We will follow up with you to begin this process after you submit your application.

This job description is intended to help ensure the summer camping program runs as smoothly as possible. It is by no means exhustive, but meant as a guideline so that we all know what is expected. Our focus is always on providing a safe, enjoyable, and spiritually enriching environment for the campers and fellow staff.

  • You report to the director. If you have questions or concerns with how the camp is organized, you need to discuss your concerns immediately with the director.
  • Any infractions and/or camper behavior problems need to be brought to the attention of the director.
  • Disagreements between staff members need to be brought to the attention of the director before the atmosphere of the camp is negatively affected.
  • As a volunteer, you are expected to:
    • Attend Camp Bethany as a camper for your regular week of camp, if you are still in High School or younger.
    • Read your Bible daily.
    • Prioritize the needs of the campers above your own needs.
    • Be able to maintain your composure during times of stress, and lack of sleep.
    • Be present and participate in all scheduled activities.
    • Stay on camp property from registration through check out of each camp, unless prior arrangements have been made.
    • Remain in the cabin with your campers after lights out until the morning bell.
    • Lead small group activites, including Biblical discussion, with children of various ages.
    • Set a good example for the campers and demonstrate the love of Christ through your words and actions.
    • Speak at campfire or large group activities as needed throughout the week.
    • Enjoy the camp experience and strive to strengthen your own relationship with Christ.

If you agree to the above statements please sign below. Signing this does not guarantee a position as a full-time staff member, but does indicate your willingness to server Christ at Camp Bethany in that capacity if you are called upon to do so. Thank you for being willing to serve.

By filling in the box below, I accept that this will serve as my signature for the electronic document.